RANNUM (Rannsóknarstofa í upplýsingatækni og miðlun) og RASK (Rannsóknarstofa um skapandi skólastarf) auglýsir málstofu um skapandi starf og notkun stafrænnar tækni í finnskum skólum í verkefninu „Growing Mind“. Málstofan verður haldin þriðjudaginn 8. október í húsnæði Menntavísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands, kl. 15.00–16.00 í stofu K-103. Allir eru velkomnir.

Glærur erindisins

Upptaka á erindinu

Nánari lýsing (á ensku):

Kaiju Kangas, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen and Kaj Hakkarainen, professors at the University of Helsinki, Finland, will give a seminar on their research on Tuesday October 8th at 15-16:00 at the School of Education presenting their project the Growing Mind.

The researchers have been developing the research and practice of transdisciplinary education combining Finnish traditions in craft, design and technology, science, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), with the methods of digital fabrication and hands-on learning. They have had several large research projects around the theme, the most recent being the Growing Mind project.

About the project:
The youth are our most important resource for future sustainable development. The Growing Mind-project aims at producing means for the renewal and development of schools, teachers and students on the personal, social, and institutional level. The project aims for societal impact and brings to the forefront the challenges arising from digitalization on the social, personal and institutional level. The project activities are done in cooperation between school practitioners and academic research. The activities support the aims of the new core curriculum, students’ 21st century skills and teachers’ professional development.

The project aims for societal impact and brings to the forefront the challenges arising from digitalization on the social, personal and institutional level. The project activities are done in cooperation between school practitioners and academic research. The activities support the aims of the new core curriculum, students’ 21st century skills and teachers’ professional development


Kaj Hakkarainen: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/kai-hakkarainen
Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/pirita-seitamaa-hakkarainen
Kaiju Kangas: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/kaiju-kangas