Dr. Debra Hoven visited University of Iceland in April 2024. She did two presentations and one workshop on eportfolios. Her visit was sponsered by RANNUM, Kennslumiðstöð and Kennslunefnd Menntavísindasviðs. Below are links to her presentations.

Eportfolios: Developing new approaches to assessment in higher education Presentation – RANNUM April 16
Eportfolios or learning portfolios in education: Across the years Presentation April 18 – Kennslukaffi – Kennsluráðs Menntavísindasviðs
ePortfolios for authentic purposes: how to design effective evidence-based assessment Workshop April 17 – Kennslumiðstöð HÍ

Resources include information about: The concept eportfolio; The eportfolio process at Athabasca University; Necessary components of eporfolio – any platform; Other useful resources