Gro Skåland, doktorsnemi við Department of Education, University of Oslo verður með vinnusmiðju á vegum rannsóknarstofanna RANNUM og RASK

Objects in our life: A shared reading of Karen Barad´s agential realism

Tími: 2. maí 15:00 – 17:00

Staðsetning: Aðalbygging Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands v/Stakkahlíð, K206

Gro er stödd hér á landi í tengslum við Evrópuverkefnið MakEY – sköpunarsmiðjur (e. makerspaces) í menntun ungra barna. Hún lýsir smiðjunni svo:

I am working on a project on how a public library in Norway translates the ideas of the informal maker-movement into the semi-formal library practice. The approach to this change of practice takes departure in Yrjö Engeström´s theory of expansive learning, and his ideas may have some similarities with Barad´s agential realism. Recently, researchers looking into learning in makerspaces has paid attention to Barad, and a need for good reasons to choose the one before the other or as an alternative – to combine them seems present. However, going into Barad´s philosophy is a process of growth  – dwelling in it for a long time seems necessary. Barad´s work has implications for several topics, spanning from gender performativity to groundbreaking ideas concerning epistemological and ontological questions in research.

Research on learning in makerspaces is a growing field and is only in its very beginning. What is maybe new to educational research in that concern is that the practice in makerspaces seems to be more of a hands-on activity than verbal. It has been an increasing interest for exploring new approaches to how the material, sensory and embodied aspects of learning are to be understood in these contexts, and Barad´s agential realism is one of them.

Preparations: bring one favourite object or a picture of it, and prepare to say a few words about the object and your relation to it.

It is not required to read the literature before the workshop –  the idea is to go deep into short excerpts of Barads work – bracketing the text together and discuss how the concepts introduced may inform how we understand the role of everyday objects that surrounds us. For those who want to read Barad´s book later, a free pdf is to find in the dropbox “BaradWorkshop”. Sign up for the workshop by sending an e-mail to: ,and you will get access to the dropbox.

Barad, K. (2007). Meeting The Universe Halfway. Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. London: Duke University Press.

Málstofan verður á ensku. Þeir sem vilja skrá sig látið Sólveigu Jakobsdóttur vita og þá fáið þið aðgang að efni eftir Barad