Dr. Svava Pétursdóttir

Svava Pétursdóttir varði doktorsritgerð sína við Háskólann í Leeds 17.okt. 2012

Svava Pétursdóttir, aðili að RANNUM, varði doktorsritgerð sína „Using information and communication technology in lower secondary science teaching in Iceland“ 17. október sl. við Háskólann í Leeds. Doktorsritgerð Svövu fékk mjög jákvæða umsögn. Prófdómarar sögðu um ritgerðina: „showed tremendous evidence of industry and application and was very readable.  It evidenced a good sense of history and was very interesting with regard to the Icelandic context.  There were some important implications which the examiners felt might actually make a difference to teaching – as an EdD thesis should!“ Hjartanlegar hamingjuóskir Svava – við erum stolt af þér!