DSC00384Dr. Debra Hoven, associate professor við Athabasca University í Kanada flutti erindi um stafrænar ferilmöppur í málstofu á vegum RANNUM.

Tími: 2. mars 2016, K204 aðalbyggingu Menntavísindasviðs v/Stakkahlíð

Útsending á: https://c.deic.dk/rannum

Upptaka: https://c.deic.dk/p53m6d65j4r/

Glærur:Debra Hoven eportfolios and critical reflection

Titill: Guidelines for developing critical reflection among online MEd students through e-portfolios

E-portfolios create the opportunity for peer, instructor or general public feedback and commentary and can be an effective tool for reflection on practice, facilitating learning-workplace transition. Abrami and Barrett (2005) argue that e-portfolios may even scaffold attempts at knowledge construction.  While an extensive body of research exists on the uses of e-portfolios (Batson, 2011; Ehiyazaryan-White, 2012; Pitts & Rugirello, 2012), e-portfolios in graduate-level education have received comparably little attention (Butler, 2006). This presentation reports on an action research study of the developmental stages of critical reflection among graduate students and suggests some resources.

Critical reflection, and particularly critical self-reflection can be a difficult facility for some students to develop. The presentation will begin with a problem-solving activity to elicit participants’ understanding of what critical reflection is, its role in lifelong and life-wide learning and their experiences of student difficulties in developing and expressing these. Some findings will then be offered on a study gathering evidence of the developmental stages of critical reflection, suggesting some processes to foster the achievement of critical self-reflection among online graduate students. Based on action research methodology, this project started with an analysis of e-portfolio literature and former student e-portfolio documents and then interviewed some of the student authors of these e-portfolios. Questions asked included their understanding of what constitutes critical reflection, the mind blocks and revelations experienced during the development process and their suggestions for improvements to the resourcing of e-portfolio development. Transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed using qualitative software and these analyses were then compared to analyses of the e-portfolio documents of the same students. A range of strategies and processes were then compiled and evaluated, aimed at supporting or scaffolding the development of critical reflection among graduate students. These findings will open discussion of comparative applicability of the findings.