image_previewDr. Gráinne Conole, prófessor við University of Leicester og forstöðumaður Institute of Learning Innovation við sama háskóla flytur fyrirlestur sem ber titilinn „Crossing boundaries: spaces, places and contexts of learning.“ Erindið er á vegum Rannsóknarstofu í upplýsingatækni og miðlun við Menntavísindasvið HÍ. Það er flutt í tengslum við 6. málþing norræns rannsóknarnets NordLAC sem fram fer í Reykjavík 19.-20. maí. Í erindinu fjallar Dr. Conole meðal annars um þróun fartækni og samfélagsmiðla og möguleika sýndarheima og leikja í tengslum við nám.

Ágrip á ensku: Digital technologies offer a rich variety of ways to enable learners to interact with content, to communicate and collaborate. Social media means that learners can connect with peers and others beyond the formal learning context. Mobile devices mean that learning anywhere, anytime is now a reality. Virtual worlds and games offer environments for authentic and situative learning. The talk will review the current digital landscape and consider the implications for learning across different spaces, places and contexts. It will argue that we need new approaches to design to harness the potential of digital technologies and that we need to rethink the context of formal educational offerings in light of more open practices.